Babylonian Cuneiform Epic Gilgamesh Mesopotamia Sculptural relief carving Museum Reproduction
Called the form of the Epic in the fragments from the library of Ashurbanapal the Assyrian version.
Though like most of the cuneiforms it not only reverts to a Babylonian original , but represents a late copy
of a much older original .
The absence of any reference to Assyria in the fragments recovered justifies in assuming that the Assyrian
version received its present form in Babylonia, perhaps in Erech.
possible that some of the late features , particularly the elaboration of the teachings of the theologians or schoolmen
in the eleventh and twelfth tablets , may have been produced at least in part under Assyrian influence .
To read the book about the tablet from 1920 Yale research Morris Jastrow Jr. and Albert T. Clay
LAST PHOTO IS THE ORIGINAL IN THE MUSEUM - shown for reference only
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